How to edit a round using the Shot Scope dashboard editor: Full tutorial

In December 2022, Shot Scope released a major update to their online dashboard editor, meaning the way that users edit their rounds completely changed. In this full video tutorial, I'll teach you everything you need to know about correctly editing your rounds on your laptop/desktop computer.

Table of Contents

About this shot scope tutorial

In this full tutorial video, you’ll learn how to properly edit and sign off your rounds captured using your Shot Scope V3/H4 using the online dashboard editing tool.

Shot Scope updated the online dashboard editing tool in Dec 2022. In this video you will learn how to: 

  • Upload rounds from your V3/H4 to your Shot Scope account
  • Navigate the main rounds menu to see your rounds and statistics
  • Use the new ‘Quick Sign Off’ feature
  • Edit the position of your shots on the fairway/green
  • Use the new putting ‘Tap in’ feature
  • Change the club you have used to play your shots and filter by only active clubs
  • Add a range of penalty strokes including 1/2 stroke penalties, lost balls and dropped balls
  • Add new strokes
  • Delete unwanted strokes
  • Correctly add positional shots
  • Sign off your completed round and show/hide from performance statistics
If you prefer to edit your rounds using your desktop/laptop computer, why not take a look at my ‘How to edit a round using the NEW Shot Scope mobile app editor‘ video tutorial?

More Shot Scope Videos

If you found this video useful then why not take a look at these other Shot Scope-related videos I’ve created to help you get the most out of your Shot Scope devices. You can view all of my Shot Scope videos over on my YouTube golf channel

About Shot Scope

Shot Scope has a wide range of GPS and performance tracking golf watches and devices, and laser rangefinders designed to help you improve your golf game. You can view their products including the popular V3 golf watch and PRO LX+ laser rangefinder and save an EXTRA 15% by entering the promo code ‘ANDYSGOLF‘ at checkout on the main Shot Scope website. This discount code can be used worldwide.

More GOlf-related Videos

If you enjoyed this video tutorial then feel free to check out the YouTube section of my blog where you’ll find some of my golf-related videos including equipment reviews, tutorials and vlogs. 

2 responses

  1. Hi Andy,

    Thank you for the excellent Shotscope V3 dashboard editing video. I found it most useful.

    I have a couple of question which I’m hoping you can answer.
    The term ‘Sign-off’ sounds rather final. I want to be able to go and edit my shots over a period of days rather than in one go.
    SO what does sign-off mean in this context?
    And how can I edit y shots over a period and saving my edits before finally committing the information?
    FYI. I’ve recently purchase the Shotscope V5 watch and I’m currently playing off a 22 handicap.


    1. Hey KP.

      Just edit and save as you go with the save button. You can then just sign off and go back in using the edit option for your round anytime you please. Even after a round has been signed off you can always go back in and edit anytime.

      Hope that helps!


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